Saturday, January 29, 2011

Pantry Recipes are Like Good Friends

It has been awhile since I have posted.  December was busy with the holidays, my parents coming to visit, Brian and Kelly moving to North Carolina to begin their new lives as Physical Therapists, and Jen packing and planning her semester long trip to studying in Amsterdam.   Mick and I were in a bit of a daze as everyone came home, unpacked, re-packed and departed.  At times our house felt inadequately small.  Our emotions rolled like a roller coaster as we helped to pack U-Hauls, suitcases, duffels, and backpacks.  December and January also brought record snowfalls making Brian, Mom, Dad and Jen’s departures even more stressful.   Not to mention driving to work during the minor 8-12 inch storms;  our new hobby is shoveling snow.

After all the heightened emotions, it is comforting to have good friends over.  But, when the week’s itinerary includes:
Monday night – Drop your daughter off at JFK to depart for Amsterdam for four months
Tuesday morning – Receive credit call from your daughter her luggage has been lost and her cell phone doesn’t work (despite assurances from Verizon it would).
Wednesday – work at hospital and facilitate class Wednesday night
Thursday – work at hospital
Friday – work at hospital, arrive home at 6:30 for friends arriving at 7:30

Would I be ready?

Entertaining good friends means you don’t have to worry about every detail being perfect.  My friend Michele has great advice, “dim the lights and light a few scented candles.”  Good friends know when your schedule is packed and they bring extra food (and wine).  The food to me is always personal – an expression to people you love to show how much you care about them.   Having tasty pantry recipes is like having good friends over; it’s both comforting and reassuring.  Here is one of my pantry items I served with great friends last night...and what a great time we had!

Asian Salmon Patties
6 oz can of wild caught salmon (I prefer skinless and boneless)
1 egg
1 clove chopped garlic
1 tbsp fish sauce
3 tbsp lime juice
1 tbsp chopped ginger
2-3 tsp Hoison sauce
¼ cup breadcrumbs
2-3 tbsp canola or olive oil for browning

Mix all ingredients (except oil) together and form patties.  Heat oil until ready to sizzle and put patties in hot oil and brown on both sides.  Serve with stir fried vegetables and brown rice or pot stickers.