Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Taco Tuesdays in California


Last month I went to California to attend class week with my fellow interns. Four days in sunny California, after a brutal winter in New York with record snowfalls was a welcome change! It was also fun to reconnect with the people I started the internship with back in October in New Hampshire. Before heading out to California, I celebrated my birthday. While in California a few friends coordinated a group to go out for Taco Tuesdays on – you got it – Tuesday night. Apparently it’s a California custom to go out for tacos, which cost around $1 each, on Tuesday. 

Adding to the festivities is the fact that the tacos are made right on the spot. Then you choose whether you want chicken, beef or pork and add an assortment of spicy salsas and guacamoles to your liking. It was a fun evening ending with a “Happy Birthday” Flan and a group of singing waiters for me, completely taking me by surprise! The warmer weather, the spicy flavors and the tacos reminded me of the fish tacos we make at home in the summer time. 

Our recipe, which can be an assortment of pre-purchased items or a combination of homemade recipes -- salsas, sauces and guacamoles is always fun to serve as “make your own.” You get to decide how complicated or uncomplicated you would like it to be. Here is how we like to make them:

Whole Wheat Tortillas 
Fish – baked or grilled (I usually use cod, but you can use Tilapia or any other mild white fish) 
Homemade salsa 
Homemade guacamole 
Shredded Green cabbage with homemade dressing 
Shredded Red cabbage with homemade dressing 
Black bean and jicama salsa (Optional, but nice if you have vegans in the group) 

Grill or bake 1/3 lb. fish per person

Homemade Salsa
3 chopped tomatoes seeded
1 clove garlic
1 small onion
1 jalapeno pepper
¼ cup cilantro
dash of olive oil
juice from one lime

Homemade Guacamole
2 ripe avocados
juice from one lime
¼ cup cilantro
1 jalapeno pepper chopped and diced
½ onion diced
salt and pepper to taste

Homemade Dressing for Cabbage 
Put the following ingredients into a blender or food processor:
1/3 cup canola oil
1/3 cup  orange juice
1 peeled, pitted ripe mango
1 habanera pepper  (these are really HOT, so you might want to try ½ and add to spice it to your own taste)
¼ cup cilantro
Juice from one lime
1 Tbsp white wine vinegar
1 Tbsp brown sugar

Black Bean, Corn, Tomato and Jicama Salad
(May be made ahead of time and refrigerated)
½ onion sautéed in canola oil with 1 tsp cumin, add 1 cup corn
and heat for 1-2 minutes (cool to room temperature)
1 cup black beans
1 cup diced jicama
1 cup diced tomato
1 tsp chopped garlic
Juice from 2 limes
¼ - ½ cup cilantro
1 chopped jalapeno pepper

Serve above in separate dishes, with a platter of fish and warm, whole grain tortillas for you and your friends to “make your own tacos.”

Thursday, March 31, 2011

It's Not as Easy as it Looks!

Since I last posted, I have been consumed with completing my clinical and my food service rotation.  Food Service was such a contrast from my first rotation with a cyclic intensity to produce 120 meals in a given 75 minutes, while also getting ready to serve the staff a variety of grilled and hot entrees, salads and sandwiches.  Learning the process and participating in the tray assembling was humbling; I looked similar to Lucy and Ethel in the Chocolate Factory, desperately trying to keep up with the onslaught of chocolates…err…meal tickets.  In a hospital, there is no slow time, no down time, no holidays or snow days.  The staff was competent and patient with me and even thanked me for my time.   The work is hard, arduous and requires close attention; it’s not as easy as it looks!   I am glad I don’t have to do this everyday!

On the last day of my food service rotation, there was a song playing on the radio reminding me of my last job, and more importantly, the friends I had there.   The friends I worked with for almost eleven years gave me a great cookbook entitled, Nourish.  One of my family’s favorite snack foods is found in this book, Roasted Garbanzo Beans (adapted slightly).

Roasted Garbanzo Beans
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
¼ cup parmesan cheese
2 teaspoons garlic powder
pinch of salt
1 tablespoon onion powder
¼ teaspoon dried basil
½ teaspoon cayenne
½ teaspoon black pepper
(2) 15 ounce cans Garbanzo beans (rinsed and drained)

Miix the above ingredients together and bake on a cookie sheet at 400 degrees for 45 to 50 minutes.  Every 15 minutes stir and rotate the beans to cook evenly.  Serve as a snack.  It will last in a tupperware dish for 5-7 days at room temperature.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Pantry Recipes are Like Good Friends

It has been awhile since I have posted.  December was busy with the holidays, my parents coming to visit, Brian and Kelly moving to North Carolina to begin their new lives as Physical Therapists, and Jen packing and planning her semester long trip to studying in Amsterdam.   Mick and I were in a bit of a daze as everyone came home, unpacked, re-packed and departed.  At times our house felt inadequately small.  Our emotions rolled like a roller coaster as we helped to pack U-Hauls, suitcases, duffels, and backpacks.  December and January also brought record snowfalls making Brian, Mom, Dad and Jen’s departures even more stressful.   Not to mention driving to work during the minor 8-12 inch storms;  our new hobby is shoveling snow.

After all the heightened emotions, it is comforting to have good friends over.  But, when the week’s itinerary includes:
Monday night – Drop your daughter off at JFK to depart for Amsterdam for four months
Tuesday morning – Receive credit call from your daughter her luggage has been lost and her cell phone doesn’t work (despite assurances from Verizon it would).
Wednesday – work at hospital and facilitate class Wednesday night
Thursday – work at hospital
Friday – work at hospital, arrive home at 6:30 for friends arriving at 7:30

Would I be ready?

Entertaining good friends means you don’t have to worry about every detail being perfect.  My friend Michele has great advice, “dim the lights and light a few scented candles.”  Good friends know when your schedule is packed and they bring extra food (and wine).  The food to me is always personal – an expression to people you love to show how much you care about them.   Having tasty pantry recipes is like having good friends over; it’s both comforting and reassuring.  Here is one of my pantry items I served with great friends last night...and what a great time we had!

Asian Salmon Patties
6 oz can of wild caught salmon (I prefer skinless and boneless)
1 egg
1 clove chopped garlic
1 tbsp fish sauce
3 tbsp lime juice
1 tbsp chopped ginger
2-3 tsp Hoison sauce
¼ cup breadcrumbs
2-3 tbsp canola or olive oil for browning

Mix all ingredients (except oil) together and form patties.  Heat oil until ready to sizzle and put patties in hot oil and brown on both sides.  Serve with stir fried vegetables and brown rice or pot stickers.