Monday, September 27, 2010

Frozen Tomatoes

One of the best ways to get the most out of your food is to eat foods in season whenever possible. Now, in the middle of September the tomatoes are so abundant. Who doesn't love a home grown tomato? Aside from eating it like an apple, in a salad, on a homemade pizza, making bruschetta or with basil and fresh mozzarella, what else can you do with tomatoes? Since I grew so many this year, I am going to try freezing them whole. This way when it gets cold in late fall or early winter, I can use the frozen tomatoes in lieu of canned tomatoes, for homemade soups. Granted, they won't be usable in a salad, but the advantage of using frozen tomatoes rather than canned is much less sodium. I'll let you know how it tastes!

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